Public lecture: Swedish Disability Rights Activists claim “Full Participation Now!”

Public lecture by Marie Sépulchre, PhD student, Sociology Department, Uppsala University, Sweden

Swedish Disability Rights Activists claim ’Full Participation Now!’ – Constructions of citizenship by disabled people in Sweden

Time: Thursday, 23 November 2017, 12:00 – 13:30, Room: S 163

This lecture explores the citizenship of disabled people in Sweden. The first part traces the development of the legal framework outlining the citizenship rights for persons with disabilities in Sweden. The second part examines the blog ‘Full Participation Now’, which was initiated by established disability rights activists in Sweden. The lecture discusses how these Swedish disability rights activists aim to challenge a situation that they define as ‘second-class citizenship’ and aspire to ‘full citizenship’.

Marie Sépulchre is a PhD Candidate at the Sociology Department of Uppsala University, Sweden. From 2013 until 2016 she was a research fellow in the EU Framework 7 funded international research project DISCIT – ‘Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens – New Knowledge for an Inclusive and Sustainable Social Model’. Her research interests centre on citizenship, disability, activism and digital media ( Recent publication: Marie Sépulchre (2016), Research about citizenship and disability: a scoping review, in: Disability and Rehabilitation,