Volume 12 (Waldschmidt | Berressem | Ingwersen)

Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem, Moritz Ingwersen (Eds.): Culture – Theory – Disability.
Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies

Bielefeld: transcript
2017, 270 Seiten
kart., 29,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8376-2533-2

Which theoretical and methodological approaches of contemporary cultural criticism resonate within the field of disability studies? What can cultural studies gain by incorporating disability more fully into its toolbox for critical analysis? Culture – Theory – Disability features contributions by leading international cultural disability studies scholars which are complemented with a diverse range of responses from across the humanities spectrum.

This essential volume encourages the problematization of disability in connection with critical theories of literary and cultural representation, aesthetics, politics, science and technology, sociology, and philosophy. It includes essays by Lennard J. Davis, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Dan Goodley, Robert McRuer and Margrit Shildrick.

Anne Waldschmidt is professor of Disability Studies, Sociology and Politics of Rehabilitation at the University of Cologne, Germany.

Hanjo Berressem is professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Cologne, Germany.

Moritz Ingwersen is working on a joint PhD at the Cultural Studies Department at Trent University in Ontario and the Department of English at the University of Cologne, Germany.
