
In the following only international (mostly English-speaking) publications of iDiS are listed. If you are also interested in German references, see: (scroll down for “Veröffentlichungen[Auswahl]”)

2013 – 2024

2010 – 2012

  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2012). Social Protection and Social Inclusion for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: the Situation in Germany. In: Li, Jing / Cheng, Weimin (Hrsg.). Breakthrough the care dilemma: A Primary Study on Welfare Policy for Adults with Intellectual and Psychiatric Disabilities and their Families. Special editors: Anna Lawson (UK) and Xiafei Wang. Beijing (Beijing National Defense University Publishing House), pp. 184-203. (published in Chinese; ISBN: 978-7-5626-2014-3)
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2011). Disability as a Social Problem. In: Ritzer, George / Ryan, J. Michael (Hrsg.). Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. The definitive sociology reference source. Oxford (Wiley & Blackwell), pp. 150-151.

2000 – 2009

  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2009). Disability in Twentieth-Century German Culture (Carol Poore). Review. In: Disability & Society 24(3), pp. 391-393.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2009). Disability Policy of the European Union: The supranational level. In: ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research | Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap 3(1), pp. 8-23.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2007). Disability as a Social Problem. In: Ritzer, George (ed.). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Volume III: D-E. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1168-1170.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2006). Advocacy Movements: Germany. In. Albrecht, Gary et al. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Disability. Volume 1. Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli: Sage, pp. 57-58.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2006). Deinhardt, Heinrich Marianus (1821-1880): German educator. In: Albrecht, Gary et al. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Disability. Volume 1. Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli: Sage, pp. 372-373.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2006). Georgens, Jan Daniel (1823 – 1886): German educator. In Albrecht, Gary et al. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Disability. Volume 2. Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli: Sage, pp. 795- 796.
  • Köbsell, Swantje / Waldschmidt, Anne (guest eds.). (2006). International Section: Disability Studies in German Speaking Countries. In: Disability Studies Quarterly. The first journal in the field of disability studies, USA, Vol. 26, No. 2 (seven articles and guest editor’s introduction). URL:
  • Köbsell, Swantje / Waldschmidt, Anne. (2006). Disability Studies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Introduction. In: Disability Studies Quarterly 26(2), 4 pages. URL:
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2006). Normalcy, Bio-Politics and Disability: Some Remarks on the German Disability Discourse. In: Disability Studies Quarterly 26(2), 12 pages. URL:
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2005). Who is normal? Who is deviant? “Normality” and “Risk” in Genetic Diagnostics and Counseling. In: Tremain, Shelley L. (ed.). Foucault and the Government of Disability. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 191- 207.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2005). “European Disability Policy – Disability Policy in Europe: A German Perspective”. Presentation at the Annual Conference 2005 “Making Social Policy in the Postindustrial Age” of ESPAnet – The Network for European Social Policy Analysis, University of Fribourg, September 22nd – 24th, 2005, Fribourg/Switzerland. URL: (September 2005).
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2005). Normaliteit. In: Bröckling, Ulrich / Krasmann, Susanne / Lemke, Thomas (eds.). Sleutelwoorden. De actualiteit in 44 begrippen. Vertaald door Michel van Nieuwstadt. Amsterdam: Sun, pp. 219-226.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (2002). Agony or Autonomy – the Promises of Reproductive Medicine. In: Reprokult, Women’s Forum for Reproductive Medicine (ed.). Reproductive Medicine and Genetic Engineering: Women between Self-Determination and Societal Standardisation. Proceedings of the Conference held in Berlin from 15 to 17 November 2001. Cologne: Federal Centre for Health Education, pp. 61-66.

1991 – 1999

  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (1999). Legislation – Germany. In: Annette Burfoot (ed.). Encyclopedia of Reproductive Technologies. Boulder and Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 324- 328.
    Waldschmidt, Anne. (1999). Genetic Screening and German-based Eugenics – Old and New. In: Annette Burfoot (ed.). Encyclopedia of Reproductive Technologies. Boulder and Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 373-379.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (1992). “L’Eprouvette éprouvée” or “Test tube under test”. An International Conference to Critically Assess Reproductive Engineering, Paris, 28 – 29 June 1991. In Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 5(1), pp. 75-77.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (1992). Against Selection of Human Life – People with Disabilities Oppose Genetic Counselling. In. Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 5(2), pp. 155- 167.
  • Waldschmidt, Anne. (1991). The Embryo As a Legal Entity – Woman As a Fetal Environment. The New German Laws on Reproductive Engineering and Embryo Research. In: Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 4(3), pp. 209-222.