Book Series

The scientific book series Disability Studies: Body – Power – Difference examines disability as a historical, social and cultural construction; it deals with the interrelation between power and symbolic meanings. The series intends to open up new perspectives to disability, thus correcting and extending traditional approaches in medicine, special education and rehabilitation sciences. It views disability as a phenomenon of embodied difference. Fundamental cultural concepts of “putting things into order”, for instance normality and deviance, health and illness, physical integrity and subjective identity are thereby discussed from a critical point of view. The book series Disability Studies aims to contribute to the study of the central themes of the Modern age: reason, human rights, equality, autonomy and solidarity in relation to social and cultural developments.

The scientific book series Disability Studies: Body – Power – Difference is published by Professor Anne Waldschmidt (iDiS – International research unit Disability Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cologne), together with Professor Thomas Macho (Institute for Culture and Art Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin), Professor Werner Schneider (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Augsburg), Professor Anja Tervooren (Department of Education, University of Duisburg-Essen) and Heike Zirden (Berlin).

Anne Waldschmidt, Werner Schneider (Hg): Disability Studies, Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung. Erkundungen in einem neuen ForschungsfeldMarkus Dederich: Körper, Kultur und Behinderung.Eine Einführung in die Disability StudiesTobin Siebers: Zerbrochene Schönheit
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