Elsbeth Bösl, Anne Klein, Anne Waldschmidt (Eds.): Disability History. Constructions of disability in history. An introduction
Bielefeld: transcript
2010, 215 p.
25,80 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8376-1361-2
This first anthology of German Disability History offers an introduction to the new sub-discipline of historical research. It discusses theoretical and methodological issues, and presents a review of existing works. Nine case studies cover scientific constructions and subjective experiences, institutions and policies, body, art and culture. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, teachers, and students.
Elsbeth Bösl (Dr. phil.) is an historian; she is a lecturer at the Technische Universität München (TUM) and works at the Munich Centre for the History of Science and Technology.
Anne Klein (Dr. phil.) is a lecturer in History, Educational and Political Sciences at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Cologne.
Anne Waldschmidt (Dr. rer. pol.) is Professor of Sociology and Politics of Rehabilitation, Disability Studies at the University of Cologne.