Marion Schmidt, Anja Werner (Eds.): Between Heteronomy and Autonomy. New Impulses in Deaf History in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Bielefeld: transcript
2019, 428 pages
39,99 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4716-7
In German-speaking countries, research on the history of deaf people as a marginalized, linguistic-cultural minority is still at its beginnings. This volume offers an innovative look at Germany, Austria, and Switzerland from the 18th century to the present.
Including the perspectives of deaf people who use sign language, the contributions cover the topics of educational opportunities and methods, human rights, experiences of oppression and autonomy, and self-organization in various political systems. In so doing, a foundation for a history of the deaf in German-speaking countries is laid, one that is aware of its diverse transnational roots and influences.