All posts by Shadi Heinrich

Invitation: Launch of Volume 4 of the “European Yearbook of Disability Law”

Yearbook DL 4Date/Time: Thursday, September 19, 6.45pm – 7.30pm.
Venue: Park Inn Hotel Cologne, Innere Kanalstrasse 15,
50823 Cologne, Germany

Drinks and Canapés will be served- there is no fee for this event.
For more information please visit our website at:

Continue reading Invitation: Launch of Volume 4 of the “European Yearbook of Disability Law”

New EU Project on How to Achieve Active Citizenship for Persons with Disabilities

A new EU-funded research project has started at the International Research Unit in Disability Studies (iDiS). It represents the University of Cologne as German partner of DISCIT – Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens“. This research consortium aims to produce new knowledge enabling EU Member States, affiliated European countries and the European Union to achieve full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society and the economy.

Continue reading New EU Project on How to Achieve Active Citizenship for Persons with Disabilities

CfP: De-colonizing Disability Theory I. Cripping Development

International interdisciplinary conference organized jointly by the Department of Gender Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, the Gender Research Office, University of Vienna and with support of the Czech Academy of Science and the Department for Development Studies, University of Vienna.

Dates: September 19-21, 2013
Venue: Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Proposal Deadline: June 30, 2013
Confirmation of acceptance: July 15, 2013

The organizers of the conference wish to provide space for critical dialogue between disability studies and studies of Central and Eastern Europe, postcolonial studies, global and development studies. This year’s interdisciplinary meeting focuses on mapping out the ways in which development policies and strategies as well as the very concept itself allow for or contribute to upholding global inequalities. Continue reading CfP: De-colonizing Disability Theory I. Cripping Development

New Job Opportunity [completed]

Are you interested in doing research on European disability policies? For the international, EU 7th Framework Programme funded research project DISCITMaking Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens – New Knowledge for an Inclusive and Sustainable Social Model ( the Chair of Sociology and Politics of Rehabilitation, Disability Studies (Professor Dr. Anne Waldschmidt) at the University of Cologne is seeking to fill the position of a Research Fellow (half-time, 19,92 hours/week).

More information about the application [PDF]