Conference: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A European Perspective


8-9 November, 2010, Maastricht University

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) is a landmark treaty. It is the first human rights Convention of the new century; it is not merely a non-discrimination convention, but also provides for a wide range of classical and substantive rights; and, from a European perspective, it is the first human rights convention which the European Community (EC) negotiated and signed, and it will be the first such convention which the European Union (EU) will conclude. Moreover, the Convention, because of the wide ranging set of rights which it sets out to guarantee, will impose significant obligations on EU Member States. Lastly, the Convention is novel in the way that it opens the door for national and European level disability NGOs to play an important part in monitoring implementation at national and EU level.

The purpose of this conference, to be hosted by the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights and the European Disability Forum (EDF), is to examine some of the consequences of, and obligations imposed by, the UN CRPD from a European perspective.

Programme [PDF]

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