Conference: ALTER 2018

Transforming practices and knowledge through the lens of disability: experiences, transmissions, training, organizations

Nowadays, the goals of inclusion and social participation that our societies have set for themselves involve a certain number of transformations. They affect primarily the various means of support for people with disabilities, but also the services which they benefit from, in which they operate, and more broadly, the public policies allowing such transformations. The social and political innovations necessary in this respect require new forms of experimentation, which will implicate everyone involved in the whole process: the people in question, professionals, associations, researchers, and policy makers. The production of knowledge and the development of the training program are integral parts of this process.

The 2018 ALTER conference aims at a better understanding of these developments and new interactions between practices, training, and knowledge acquisition required for the purpose. A confrontation of diverse experiences originating from various regions and socio-historical contexts will make it possible to focus on the important issues regarding this interaction.

More information:

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries

Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe. Volume 2

Presenting research from the first major comparative and cross-national study of active citizenship and disability in Europe, this book analyses the consequences of ongoing changes in Europe – what opportunities do persons with disabilities have to exercise Active Citizenship? Volume 2 analyses how men and women with disabilities reflexively make their way through the world, pursuing their own interests and values. It considers how their experiences, views and aspirations regarding participation vary across Europe, and draws out the implications of the findings for future disability policy in Europe and beyond.

Edited by Rune Halvorsen, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway, Bjørn Hvinden, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway, Julie Beadle Brown, University of Kent, UK, Mario Biggeri, University of Florence, Italy, Jan Tøssebro, NTNU Social Research, Norway and Anne Waldschmidt, University of Cologne, Germany

More information:

Continue reading Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries

Public lecture: Swedish Disability Rights Activists claim “Full Participation Now!”

Public lecture by Marie Sépulchre, PhD student, Sociology Department, Uppsala University, Sweden

Swedish Disability Rights Activists claim ’Full Participation Now!’ – Constructions of citizenship by disabled people in Sweden

Time: Thursday, 23 November 2017, 12:00 – 13:30, Room: S 163

This lecture explores the citizenship of disabled people in Sweden. The first part traces the development of the legal framework outlining the citizenship rights for persons with disabilities in Sweden. The second part examines the blog ‘Full Participation Now’, which was initiated by established disability rights activists in Sweden. The lecture discusses how these Swedish disability rights activists aim to challenge a situation that they define as ‘second-class citizenship’ and aspire to ‘full citizenship’. Continue reading Public lecture: Swedish Disability Rights Activists claim “Full Participation Now!”